
Ghosts & Ancestors | Moses | February 11



Year of

Biblical Literacy

Sermon by Michael Bailey on February 11, 2024.

This week, we study one of the most prominent characters in the Torah: Moses. In Exodus 3, we'll see how Moses' commissioning raises many doubts and objections and how God replies in a way we may not expect.

Ghosts & Ancestors | Leah | February 4



Year of

Biblical Literacy

Sermon by Brandon Clements on February 4, 2024.

This week, we examine an oft-overlooked ancestor in the Torah, Leah. As we'll see in Genesis 29, Leah teaches us something profound about viewing reality outside of one's circumstances.

Ghosts & Ancestors | Jacob | January 28



Year of

Biblical Literacy

Sermon by Michael Bailey on January 28, 2024.

This week, we look at Jacob and the question that seems to haunt his life: “Who am I?” As we’ll see in Genesis 32, God answers that question in a surprising way.

Ghosts & Ancestors | Esau | January 21



Year of

Biblical Literacy

Sermon by Michael Bailey on January 21, 2024.

This week, we look at our first ghost in the series: Esau. As we will see, the Torah provides us with a cautionary tale -  the danger in trading what you want most for what you think you want right now.

Ghosts & Ancestors | Abraham | January 14



Year of

Biblical Literacy

Sermon by Brandon Clements on January 14 2024.

How would you define "faith"? Church culture throws that word around a lot, but it's pivotal in understanding what the Torah and the rest of the Bible want to communicate to its audience. The Bible answers this by showing us the life of Abraham, "the man of faith," in the book of Genesis.

Ghosts & Ancestors | The Two Paths | January 7



Year of

Biblical Literacy

Sermon by Brandon Clements on January 7, 2024.

It’s often said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” 

As we look at the first five books of Scripture, stories abound of those who trusted God and those who did not. Some, through faith, went on to be ancestors who blessed those after them. Others proved to be ghosts that haunt their lineage with heartache and pain. 

As we learn to interpret the narratives in the Torah, both the negative and the positive, we’ll see how God works in the midst of it all and calls us into his story, inviting us to walk in the steps of our ancestors who came before us.

Advent | Christmas Eve | December 24

Livestreams at 4pm & 6PM

Advent is Latin for "adventus," meaning "arrival," where we celebrate the arrival of Jesus over 2,000 years ago with the global, historic Church. On Christmas Eve we close out the Advent season by singing and rejoicing together.

Advent | Love | December 17

Sermon by Taylor Schombert on December 17, 2023.

Advent is Latin for "adventus," meaning "arrival," where we celebrate the arrival of Jesus over 2,000 years ago with the global, historic Church. For each week of the Advent season, we look at one thing Jesus has made possible for us through His birth. This week, we look at Love.

Advent | Joy | December 10

Sermon by Andrew Flowers on December 10, 2023.

Advent is Latin for "adventus," meaning "arrival," where we celebrate the arrival of Jesus over 2,000 years ago with the global, historic Church. For each week of the Advent season, we look at one thing Jesus has made possible for us through His birth. This week, we look at Joy.

Advent | Peace | December 3

Sermon by Brandon Clements on December 3, 2023.

Advent is Latin for "adventus," meaning "arrival," where we celebrate the arrival of Jesus over 2,000 years ago with the global, historic Church. For each week of the Advent season, we look at one thing Jesus has made possible for us through His birth. This week, we look at Peace.

Advent | Hope | November 26

Sermon by Michael Bailey on November 26, 2023.

Advent is Latin for "adventus," meaning "arrival," where we celebrate the arrival of Jesus over 2,000 years ago with the global, historic Church. For each week of the Advent season, we look at one thing Jesus has made possible for us through His birth. This week, we look at Hope.

Stand-Alone | Celebration Sunday | November 19

Sermon by Brandon Clements on November 19, 2023.

This week, we celebrate what God is doing as we hear baptism stories in our church family.

Baptism Stories

Embodied | Q & A | November 12

Sermon by Brandon Clements on November 12, 2023.

In the final week of this series, we've chosen a few of the texts we've received throughout these seven weeks to discuss and answer from a biblical perspective.

Disclaimer for Parents:
During this series, we'll be talking about subjects like gender and sexuality. We will strive to make the sermons appropriate for preteens in the auditorium, but we realize this may bring up additional conversations. We wanted to let you know in advance so you aren't caught off guard or thrown into conversations you weren't prepared for.

Embodied | Incarnation | November 5

Sermon by Michael Bailey on November 5, 2023.

Last week, we unpacked 1 Corinthians 15 and how the reality of bodily resurrection fills us with great strength, empathy, and hope. This week, we look at the embodiment of God in the incarnation of Jesus and how it helps us answer the question: “How do we faithfully navigate our particular cultural moment?”

Disclaimer for Parents:
During this series, we'll be talking about subjects like gender and sexuality. We will strive to make the sermons appropriate for preteens in the auditorium, but we realize this may bring up additional conversations. We wanted to let you know in advance so you aren't caught off guard or thrown into conversations you weren't prepared for.

The one sermon that may not be ideal for preteens is the Eros sermon on 10/15. On this Sunday, we will open space in Kidtown for preteens who want to serve the younger children.





Embodied | Resurrection | October 29

Sermon by Brandon Clements on October 29, 2023.

Last week, we talked about Genesis 3 and how, because of the fall, we experience breakdown and pain at all levels, including in our bodies. In 1 Corinthians 15, we flash forward to look at the end of the story for our bodies, connecting how knowing the end of the story for our bodies shapes how we live here and now.

Disclaimer for Parents:
During this series, we'll be talking about subjects like gender and sexuality. We will strive to make the sermons appropriate for preteens in the auditorium, but we realize this may bring up additional conversations. We wanted to let you know in advance so you aren't caught off guard or thrown into conversations you weren't prepared for.

The one sermon that may not be ideal for preteens is the Eros sermon on 10/15. On this Sunday, we will open space in Kidtown for preteens who want to serve the younger children.

Embodied | Epithumia | October 22

Sermon by Brandon Clements on October 22, 2023.

For the last few weeks, we’ve camped in Genesis 1-2 and painted this beautiful picture of God’s design, His intent for humanity, and what reality should look like. And yet, these ideals are not the reality of our lived existence. Genesis 3 goes on to tell us why that is.

Disclaimer for Parents:
During this series, we'll be talking about subjects like gender and sexuality. We will strive to make the sermons appropriate for preteens in the auditorium, but we realize this may bring up additional conversations. We wanted to let you know in advance so you aren't caught off guard or thrown into conversations you weren't prepared for.

The one sermon that may not be ideal for preteens is the Eros sermon on 10/15. On this Sunday, we will open space in Kidtown for preteens who want to serve the younger children.

Embodied | Eros | October 15

Sermon by Michael Bailey on October 15, 2023.

So far, we looked at Genesis 1-2 and what it means to be embodied and gendered. Last week, we discussed joining those two genders in marriage. This week, we examine Genesis 2 further to discuss the sexual expression of embodied gendered humans inside a covenant union.

Disclaimer for Parents:
During this series, we'll be talking about subjects like gender and sexuality. We will strive to make the sermons appropriate for preteens in the auditorium, but we realize this may bring up additional conversations. We wanted to let you know in advance so you aren't caught off guard or thrown into conversations you weren't prepared for.

The one sermon that may not be ideal for preteens is the Eros sermon on 10/15. On this Sunday, we will open space in Kidtown for preteens who want to serve the younger children.

Embodied | Union | October 8

Sermon by Michael Bailey on October 8, 2023.

This week, we look at Genesis 2 and discuss the origin story of marriage. What’s marriage for? That word, or idea, has been around since the dawn of time. And based on your cultural context, you will get different answers about what that word means. So what’s marriage for? Who or what gets to define marriage? Is it me, my feelings, or is it based on biology or something else?

Disclaimer for Parents:
During this series, we'll be talking about subjects like gender and sexuality. We will strive to make the sermons appropriate for preteens in the auditorium, but we realize this may bring up additional conversations. We wanted to let you know in advance so you aren't caught off guard or thrown into conversations you weren't prepared for.

The one sermon that may not be ideal for preteens is the Eros sermon on 10/15. On this Sunday, we will open space in Kidtown for preteens who want to serve the younger children.

Embodied | Ish and Ishah | October 1

Sermon by Michael Bailey on October 1, 2023.

Last week, we began our new series discussing what it means to be an embodied person. This week, we continue that discussion as we talk about gender. Where does gender come from? Why did God create male and female? What is the ideal relationship between men and women supposed to be? How should men and women treat and think about each other?

Disclaimer for Parents:
During this series, we'll be talking about subjects like gender and sexuality. We will strive to make the sermons appropriate for preteens in the auditorium, but we realize this may bring up additional conversations. We wanted to let you know in advance so you aren't caught off guard or thrown into conversations you weren't prepared for.

The one sermon that may not be ideal for preteens is the Eros sermon on 10/15. On this Sunday, we will open space in Kidtown for preteens who want to serve the younger children.

Embodied | Telos | September 24

Sermon by Brandon Clements on September 24, 2023.

Oversimplified narratives about our bodies surround us. Through conversations and airwaves, we are constantly told what we should pursue with our bodies, how we should think about them, and what dangers follow disagreement with the cultural ethos of desire, gender, sexuality, and marriage.

But these messages skip over some very essential questions–questions like: what is your body, exactly? What is your body for? Who created it, and with what purpose? What is the eternal destiny of our bodies, and how does that inform what we do on a normal week? 

Join us for an eight-week series unpacking God’s plan for the human body–a majestic story from beginning to end.

Disclaimer for Parents:
During this series, we'll be talking about subjects like gender and sexuality. We will strive to make the sermons appropriate for preteens in the auditorium, but we realize this may bring up additional conversations. We wanted to let you know in advance so you aren't caught off guard or thrown into conversations you weren't prepared for.

The one sermon that may not be ideal for preteens is the Eros sermon on 10/15. On this Sunday, we will open space in Kidtown for preteens who want to serve the younger children.