LifeGroups are the very core of our church family. They are where we live out our vision of being a Jesus-centered family on mission. Our desire is that every person connected to our church would be connected through a LifeGroup.
What is a LifeGroup?
LifeGroups, practically speaking, are how we live out our vision to be a Jesus-centered family on mission. They are the core of our church family. We are not a church with LifeGroups, but a church of LifeGroups. These groups are not simply a once-a-week meeting, Sunday School class, Bible study, or a new mission strategy, but rather a way to live normal, everyday life together with others. In these groups, people meet weekly to hang out, eat, pray, study the Bible, and walk through life together. LifeGroups are a primary means for helping one another to grow closer to Jesus, caring deeply for one another, and inviting people into our community to hear and experience the good news of Jesus.
Who should be in a LifeGroup?
Everyone. Believer or non-believer (seeing biblical community lived out is a great way to explore Christianity). Member or non-member. Old or young, introvert or get the picture. We believe LifeGroups are the best place to experience the gospel no matter who you are, so we want everyone to join one.
Have more questions about LifeGroups?
Check out this resource called "What to Expect in a LifeGroup" for more information.
Also, feel free to send us an email with any questions!