Embodied | Union | October 8

Sermon by Michael Bailey on October 8, 2023.

This week, we look at Genesis 2 and discuss the origin story of marriage. What’s marriage for? That word, or idea, has been around since the dawn of time. And based on your cultural context, you will get different answers about what that word means. So what’s marriage for? Who or what gets to define marriage? Is it me, my feelings, or is it based on biology or something else?

Disclaimer for Parents:
During this series, we'll be talking about subjects like gender and sexuality. We will strive to make the sermons appropriate for preteens in the auditorium, but we realize this may bring up additional conversations. We wanted to let you know in advance so you aren't caught off guard or thrown into conversations you weren't prepared for.

The one sermon that may not be ideal for preteens is the Eros sermon on 10/15. On this Sunday, we will open space in Kidtown for preteens who want to serve the younger children.