People of the Pages

People of the Pages | People of Presence | September 17

Sermon by Brandon Clements on September 17, 2023.

With the rise of tech, our presence with one another is being diminished. In about two decades, we’ve experienced a shift in daily life experience of such magnitude that it’s rare in human history. This shift can be a massive issue for our mission as the church. So what does being a people of presence in a highly digitized world look like?

People of the Pages | Enjoying the Imperfect | September 10

Sermon by Brandon Clements on September 10, 2023.

Joy should be one of the defining attributes of God's people. And yet, what are the things in our lives that can keep us from being these sorts of people Jesus calls us to? And how can we push back against a spirit of discontentment in our lives?

People of the Pages | Known, Loved, and Challenged | September 3

Sermon by Michael Bailey on September 3 2023.

This week, we look at Ephesians 4, where Paul maps out the vision for community: to look more like Jesus. As a church, we strive to go after this vision, but what temptations and trappings can we fall into that can keep us from living into this vision?

People of the Pages | People of Jesus | August 20

Sermon by Michael Bailey on August 20, 2023.

Last week, we began our series by asking, "Why don't we do what we see on the pages of Scripture?" This week we explore what the Scriptures are all about, the person and work of Jesus. So what do we need to do as a church to be a people that look more like Jesus, and what do we need to be on guard for?

People of the Pages | August 13

Sermon by Brandon Clements on August 13, 2023.

Midtown Fellowship started over 15 years ago, in 2007, in a context where Christ's name was abundant, but faithfulness to his teachings sometimes was not. The resounding question back then was: Why aren't we just doing what's on the pages?

Fast forward fifteen years, and new challenges face the church that we must learn to navigate if we want to live out being a Jesus-centered family on mission faithfully.

These challenges require us to look again at our Bibles and ask questions like: What are we at risk of neglecting as Christians today? What must be rediscovered and re-committed to if our story is to remain the same story – to be a church that says, "Why don't we just do what's on the pages?"