Biblical Practices

Lent | The Three Enemies

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Sermon by Michael Bailey on March 8, 2020.

What is really causing problems in your life? Is it strictly your circumstances or something material? The Bible paints a much broader picture - sin influenced and birthed by what followers of Jesus for millennia have called "the three enemies of the soul." This opens up a whole other lens by which we can understand good, evil and the tug-of-war we sense in our souls and society. 

Lent | Fighting With Fasting

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Sermon by Michael Bailey on March 1, 2020.

Throughout church history, Christians have often used specific times of year to focus on spiritual formation together. Lent is one of these seasons. We're joining with the practice of millions of Christians across the globe during Lent to focus on fasting. Fasting is more than just refraining from food, but something God uses to give us more than we initially think.