The Gospels | The Redemptive Power of Forgiveness | September 1


Sermon by Brandon Clements on September 1, 2024.

Jesus’ teaching ministry is summed up in one word: repentance. This week, we look at how this applies to our church family. For example, what happens when people following Jesus sin against each other? What does repentance look like, then? How can we, as part of God’s kingdom, move forward if we’re stuck in bitterness and resentment?

Year of Biblical Literacy

The Bible is one of the most influential books ever written. It’s the most studied, most scrutinized, most debated, and, for many, the most life-changing book the world has ever known. 

But…it’s complex.

So we’re taking an entire year to grow our ability to read and understand the message of the whole Bible. 

We’re calling it a “Year of Biblical Literacy.”