Midweek Podcast | The Right Kind of Notice

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This week we’re joined by Michael Bailey as he unpacks more of this week’s sermon. Plus, Michael shares his favorite thing about Columbia right now.

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Quotes/Resources mentioned

Dallas Willard

“The kind of people who have been so transformed by their daily walk with God that good deeds naturally flow from their character are precisely the kind of people whose left hand would not notice what their right hand is doing. As, for example, when driving one’s own car or speaking one’s native language. What they do they do naturally, often automatically, simply because of what they are pervasively and internally. These are people who do not have to invest a lot of reflection in doing good for others. Their deeds are “in secret” no matter who is watching, for they are absorbed in love of God and of those around them. They hardly notice their own deed, and rarely remember it.”

Recapturing the Wonder by Mike Cosper

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