Colossians | Put Off | May 14

Sermon by Taylor Schombert on May 14, 2023.

Last week we discussed the cultural pressures facing the church. In Colossians 3:1-11, Paul instructs them to “put off” their old way of life, to “kill sin before it kills them.” So what sin lingers in our lives so we can put it to death and walk in the light?



“The Glory of Christ and Racial Unity” from Desiring God (45 minutes) What does Jesus’ death and resurrection have to do with racial unity? A lot actually. Here, John Piper unpacks how because of Jesus’ work, He is drawing all people to Himself.


“Saved From God’s Wrath” from The Bible Project (56 minutes) The Bible Project not only is the top-tier video resource, their podcasts are also pretty solid too. In this one, the gang covers how to think about the atonement.

“The Light Beyond the Light” from Desiring God (4 minutes) I love that title! In this quick podcast, John Piper unpacks what it means to be seated with Christ.


“The Incomparable Christ” from Reformed Theological Seminary (20 minutes) Once again, Dr. Ligon Duncan, president of RTS, teaches through the book of Colossians.


A couple of years ago, most of us learned to be pros at Zoom. The key phrase here is, “most of us.”