Following Jesus Together

Following Jesus Together: Gathering | People of the Table | August 15

Sermon by Brandon Clements on August 15, 2021.

In Luke 22:14-20 Jesus institutes the sacrament of communion to His disciples. Now we don’t know what all they understood at this point, but this was a category breaking event. This was no normal Passover meal. Jesus says He is starting a new covenant, a new way of relating to God the Father. And every week when we gather, we participate to remind ourselves of this reality.

Following Jesus Together: Gathering | People of the Word | August 8


Sermon by Michael Bailey on August 8, 2021.

The average sermon is 40 minutes in length. So if you were to attend each Sunday, the total cumulative time spent listening to sermons in a year would be 36 hours. Taking that in account, what are you hoping will happen as a result of that time? Why spend so much time having someone teach you from the Bible each and every week? More broadly, why is one of the focal points of our time together reading from, explaining and applying a 2000+ year old collection of literature?

To answer that, we’ll look at a handful of passages including 2 Timothy 3, Hebrews 4, Titus 2, and Luke 8.

Following Jesus Together: Gathering | Embodying a Better Way | August 1

Sermon by Michael Bailey on August 1, 2021.

Our world has changed significantly in the last year and a half. With Covid, people’s perceptions have mutated on a large scale when it comes to all sorts of things. Perhaps one of the most noticeable questions that followers of Jesus are asking is, “How should I spend my Sunday morning?”

For this week we’ll be answering the question - Why do we gather every week and why does it matter?

Why I'm A Christian | Jesus


Sermon by Brandon Clements on February 2, 2020.

The resurrection of Jesus sets Christianity apart from any other religion, in that it is an historical, falsifiable event. In this sermon we discuss biblical and historical evidence for the resurrection and argue that the best explanation for all of the evidence is that it truly happened. 


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Why I'm A Christian | God


Sermon by Brandon Clements on January 26, 2020.

This sermon tackles the question "How do we know God exists?" We look at the best explanation given all the evidence we have at our disposal, including exterior arguments for the existence of God (cosmological and teleological arguments) and intrinsic arguments (moral argument and existential argument). Anchored in Romans 1, we trace Paul's answer to this question and what he says is our deepest problem when seeking this answer.


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Following Jesus Together: Doing What Jesus Did

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Sermon by Michael Bailey on January 19, 2020.

The pattern of Jesus' ministry was to send out his followers to carry on his Kingdom work. Doing the things Jesus did means joining in His mission to bring love, hope and healing to the world. You're invited to join in!