The Gospels | The Kingdom of God is at Hand | August 18


Sermon by Michael Bailey on August 18, 2024.

How would you summarize Jesus’ teachings? Depending on who you ask, you’re likely to get different answers. However, Jesus’ summary statement is actually one of his first statements in the Gospels: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” 

In other words, Jesus’ life and teachings are all about ushering in God’s loving rule and reign on Earth as it is in Heaven. So what might His kingdom look like in our city, and how do we faithfully follow Him in our time and place?

Join us for five weeks as we examine the life and teachings of Jesus and consider how the good news of the Kingdom and its King changes everything.

Year of Biblical Literacy

The Bible is one of the most influential books ever written. It’s the most studied, most scrutinized, most debated, and, for many, the most life-changing book the world has ever known. 

But…it’s complex.

So we’re taking an entire year to grow our ability to read and understand the message of the whole Bible. 

We’re calling it a “Year of Biblical Literacy.”