1 Timothy | Defend the Truth | April 19

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Sermon by Tim Olson for April 19, 2020.

We must defend the truth so that we as God’s Church can grow up into mature believers who love God and love others.

Here is this week's sermon along with a digital worship guide that will include songs to sing, prayers, and scripture to read. Also, for those with children, please use our Kidtown guide as a resource to teach and lead your children each week.

Worship Guide

APRIL 19TH, 2020

Use this guide as a script, and, if possible, ask for a volunteer, roommate, or virtual participant to read the parts aloud. There are links to the songs to play and sing along with or, sing them a cappella. We want this to be a helpful guide for you and your community to participate together worshipping the Lord.

We invite you to stand as you sing, to help position yourself to be engaged and focused as you participate in the gathering of God’s people.

Links to “Sunday Worship Guide Playlist”


Have someone read this scripture aloud to begin:

Psalm 34:1-3
I will bless the Lord at all times;
his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
My soul makes its boast in the Lord;
let the humble hear and be glad.
Oh, magnify the Lord with me,
and let us exalt his name together!

Let’s sing the words of scripture together, and pray that the Truth shapes our hearts through it.


Have someone read this aloud:

Psalm 1:1-4
Blessed is the man
who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,
nor stands in the way of sinners,
nor sits in the seat of scoffers;
but his delight is in the law of the Lord,
and on his law he meditates day and night.
He is like a tree
planted by streams of water
that yields its fruit in its season,
and its leaf does not wither.
In all that he does, he prospers.

Father, Your word is truth, and Your truth is for our good. Open our ears to hear your voice. We need you. Amen.


Take a minute to sit in silence and reflect on the past week. What can you praise God for in the midst of this season?

After a few moments, if you are participating with others, ask specific people to share what came to mind.

After sharing, have someone pray, or read this aloud:

Father, thank you for how you continue to provide and show up in the mess of this life. Help us always remember your provision and the depth of your love for us. Father you are all we need, you are everything.


Stand as we sing praise to our King Jesus


Read this aloud:

I will now read this prayer over us as we conclude:

May the grace of Christ, which daily renews us, and the love of God, which enables us to love all, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, which unites us in one body, make us eager to obey the will of God until we meet again, through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Kidtown guide (Preschool)

DATE: 4/19/20
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 4
LESSON: Jesus’ Temptation


Parents say to your kid(s) - It’s been another week of our new normal at home. What have been your favorite things from this past week? Has there been anything that has been hard? Today we are going to talk about Jesus being tempted by the devil to do some things that would go against what God said. Sometimes we may also be tempted to do things that go against what God says. Let’s get started with our lesson!


Watch the Bible story video Jesus’ Temptation.

Today’s Story Point! (Kids repeat!)
Jesus never sinned! (Kids repeat!)

The devil tried three times to get Jesus to do wrong things, but Jesus did not do it. He told him to make a stone bread because he knew Jesus was hungry. He told him to jump off the temple and angels would save him. Worst of all, the devil told Jesus to worship him. But, the devil’s plan did not work! Jesus new God’s word and used it to fight against the devil’s attacks!

Christ Connection! (Kids repeat!)
Jesus will help us when we are tempted! (Kids repeat!)

When we are tempted to sin, we can ask Jesus to help us say no to sin. Imagine a time when you may want to disobey your mom and dad. They ask you to clean up your room, but you want to keep playing! To disobey would be a sin - but you can stop and pray and ask Jesus to help you obey your mom and dad. He will always provide a way for you not to choose sin. \


Parents say to your kid(s) - It’s good to respond to learning about Jesus in the Bible. Sometimes we sing because Jesus is worthy of our songs. Sometimes we pray because we need help and God says we can talk to Him about anything! We can also discuss, and/or practice what we’ve just learned about.



  • What stood out to you from this story?

  • Parents first, then kids: Are there some sins that are hard for you? (Disobeying, complaining...etc.)

  • Parents first, then kids: What’s a Bible verse you can use to fight temptation? Parents, kids will need help with this!

Bible Verse: Check out the weekly Bible Verse video. Read and memorize the Bible Verse together. “He must increase, I must decrease.” -John 3:30.

SAYHe in our key passage is Jesus. He is the only One who ever obeyed God perfectly and we can look to Him to help us if we are ever tempted to do things that go against what God says. He will always help us to obey Him and fight sin and temptation.

Pray: Dear God, thank You that Jesus defeated sin and temptation in His life. Thank you that He defeated sin and temptation for us on the cross. Please help us to trust You and fight temptation even when we are weak. Amen.

Do you have any questions? Was anything about this lesson confusing? Tell your kids they can ask you anything. If your family has any questions you are stumped on, feel free to email us.


Coloring Sheet - Printable coloring sheet depicting Jesus’ being tempted with all the power of the world if He just stops trusting God (and skips the cross).

Simon Says - Simon Says is a basic game that teaches kids about self-control and listening carefully to instructions.

Talk about Yes or No
Things you will need:

  • Red construction paper

  • Green construction paper

  • Marker

  • Tape

Write yes on a green sheet of paper and no on a red sheet. Tape the two papers on opposite walls. Point out each sign to children. Suggest situations where children should say “yes” and “no.” Suggested situations include when you want to take something that belongs to someone else, when you want to share a toy with a friend, when you want to hit your brother or sister, when you want to do what your mom or dad tell you to do, when you want to talk when your teacher is telling the Bible story, or when you want to pray to God. Encourage the children to move to the correct sign to answer.

Kidtown guide (elementary)

DATE: 4/19/20
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 4
LESSON: Jesus’ Temptation


Parents say to your kid(s) - We’re starting to settle into this new version of normal. We’re more used to Kidtown at home and our new rhythms are getting a little more comfortable. How great is it that no matter what changes in our world, God stays the same! He’s worthy of our worship no matter what our circumstances are!

Sweet Temptation - Kids love to learn in concrete ways. This is a simple object lesson to help your kids interact with the Bible story they’re about to learn. For each of your kids, put a sweet on a plate in front of them. Use a cookie, a marshmallow, a candy ... whatever you’ve got! Explain to your kids, they can have the sweet right now, but if they wait until the end of Kidtown, they can have two!


Parents say to your kid(s) - Last time we had Kidtown (before Easter) we learned about Jesus’ baptism. Remember that awesome moment in Jesus’ life? Well right after that, Jesus walked through a really hard, dark time we’re learning about today:

Watch the Gospel Project Bible video: Jesus’ Temptation

Wow! Did you know Jesus was tempted like this? It’s really important that we know about how Jesus fought temptation. Especially if you want to get that second sweet!

Story Point #1: (Kids repeat!)
Jesus fought temptation when He was weak. (Kids repeat!)
The Bible tells us that Jesus was tempted in every way that we are! (Hebrews 4:15) And the devil is smart. He tempts when we’re weak and tired and less able to fight. Have you ever fasted for 40 days and 40 nights?! No! How do you think you’d be feeling if you hadn’t eaten for just one or two days? Hungry. Tired. Weak. Gruummpy. That’s right! And even though Jesus was very tired and hungry and weak, He still fought temptation! Which leads us to ...

Story Point #2: (Kids repeat!)
Jesus fought temptation with the Bible. (Kids repeat!)
Every single temptation that Satan threw Jesus’ way, Jesus fought it using the Bible. Satan wants to twist the truth, even using the Bible in wrong ways. But Jesus was so rooted in the Bible He could see through the lies. This is one of many reasons why Kidtown and your parents want to help you learn the Bible!

Story Point #3: (Kids repeat!)
Jesus fought temptation by trusting God. (Kids repeat!)
Satan told Jesus He could have everything He wanted, but not God’s way. This is what he told Adam and Eve in the garden, too. But Jesus didn’t fall for it. He trusted that God would give Him everything He needed, even though it meant being patient and waiting sometimes. Sin’s ultimate goal is to make us fall away from God (Hebrews 3:12). But Jesus kept trusting that God’s way is best.

Christ Connection! (Kids repeat!)
Jesus defeated His sin and temptation in the wilderness. (Kids repeat!)
Jesus defeated our sin and temptation on the cross. (Kids repeat!)
How cool is that?! Jesus defeated sin and temptation in His own life there in the wilderness and all throughout His life. The Bible says that Jesus was tempted in every way that we are and yet did not sin. We can’t fight sin perfectly like Jesus did. That’s why we needed Him to fight sin for us in the cross!


Parents say to your kid(s) - It’s good to respond to learning about Jesus in the Bible. Sometimes we sing because Jesus is worthy of our songs. Sometimes we pray because we need help and God says we can talk to Him about anything! We can also discuss, and/or practice what we’ve just learned about.



  • What stood out to you from this story? Non-spiritual answers are okay. We want kids to interact with Scripture, not just regurgitate facts.

  • Parents first, then kids: What are really tempting sins for you?

  • Parents first, then kids: What makes you weak to fight temptation?

  • Parents first, then kids: What’s a Bible verse you can use to fight temptation? Parents, kids will need help with this!

Bible Verse:
Check out the weekly Bible Verse video. Read and memorize the Bible Verse together. “He must increase, I must decrease.” -John 3:30.

SAYHe in our key passage is Jesus. He is the only One who ever obeyed God perfectly and we can look to Him to help us if we are ever tempted to do things that go against what God says. He will always help us to obey Him and fight sin and temptation.

Do you have any questions? Was anything about this lesson confusing? Tell your kids they can ask you anything. If your family has any questions you are stumped on, feel free to email us.

Pray: Dear God, thank You that Jesus defeated sin and temptation in His life. Thank you that He defeated sin and temptation for us on the cross. Please help us to trust You and fight temptation even when we are weak. Amen. Sweet Temptation - For any of your kids who waited until now, give them an extra sweet and let them eat! Check out this video of other kids struggling with temptation in the Marshmallow Test.


Coloring Sheet - Printable coloring sheet depicting Jesus’ being tempted with all the power of the world if He just stops trusting God (and skips the cross).

Simon Says - Simon Says is a basic game that teaches kids about self-control and listening carefully to instructions.

Obstacle Course - Make an obstacle course around your house with specific instructions for your kids to climb over, under and around certain obstacles.