
Fruit of the Spirit | Goodness in a Time of Brokenness | July 10

Sermon by Michael Bailey on July 10, 2022.

“To live according to the purpose you were created for,” this is goodness. "When all is as it should be," this is the fruit of the Spirit we’re looking at this week. But how do we know what we’re created for, especially when there is so much confusion around this?

Fruit of the Spirit | Patience in a Time of Irritability | July 3

Sermon by Allen Tipping on July 3, 2022.

In our culture, we can easily be a people of reactivity, impulsivity, and immediacy. We want it all and we want it now. But in this weeks sermon, we see that God is patient. His patience for us creates time and space for growth, maturity, change, and redemption. And by the Spirit, we can exhibit that same attitude towards others.

Fruit of the Spirit | Kindness in a Time of Polarization | June 26

Sermon by Jake Blair on June 26, 2022.

From Mr. Rogers to Ted Lasso, we love seeing snapshots of kindness. But what does this fruit of the Spirit actually mean? And how can we access radical kindness in a world that so desperately needs it?

Fruit of the Spirit | Peace in a Time of Anxiety | June 19

Sermon by Brandon Clements on June 19, 2022.

When the Bible talks about “peace” what exactly does that mean? Is it the absence of hard circumstances or something deeper? In today’s sermon we’ll explore biblical peace and how it’s meant to anchor us even in the worst of situations.

Fruit of the Spirit | Love in a Time of Self-Interest | June 12

Sermon by Michael Bailey on June 12, 2022.

For this series we’re taking nine weeks to walk through the Fruit of the Spirit we are called to cultivate, as we examine the life and teachings of Jesus and how the Fruit of the Spirit was evident in His life.

In Christ | Sanctification | May 22

Sermon by Brandon Clements on May 22, 2022.

What happens when you hit a spiritual “wall” in your walk with Jesus? What happens when, despite your best efforts, you notice your life doesn’t match up with what Scripture calls you to? For our sermon this week, we explore the good news of how, in Christ, we have His imparted righteousness to help us.

In Christ | Imputed Righteousness | May 15

Sermon by Brandon Clements on May 15, 2022.

All of us have this incessant need to prove our goodness to ourselves, to others and to God. For this week, we’ll look at Romans 3-4 and how in Christ, we are freed up from having to prove ourselves because Jesus is our righteousness.

In Christ | From In Adam to In Christ | May 1

Sermon by Michael Bailey on May 1, 2022.

"You may teach what you know, but you reproduce who you are." This is whether you’re in a position of leadership or if you’re a parent: we reproduce who we are. The same is true theologically. This week we look at 1 Corinthians 15 as we unpack the concept of who we were in Adam and who we’ve become in Christ.

In Christ | Enjoying Our Union with Him | April 24

Sermon by Michael Bailey on April 24, 2022.

The terms “in Christ,” “in Him,” and “in the Lord” are used in the New Testament over 150 times to describe what it means to be a Christian. For the biblical authors and the early church, this concept was foundational in understanding who we are with God and with others. So, what does it actually mean to be “in Christ”?

Stand-Alone | Easter 2022 | April 17

Sermon by Brandon Clements on April 17, 2022.

Our Easter sermon will focus on reasons why we can be confident Jesus is alive, and why that should make us incredibly happy. Join us on this Resurrection Sunday to celebrate world-changing news!

The Suffering Servant | An Unexpected Table | April 10

Sermon by Michael Bailey on April 10, 2022.

So far in this series we’ve seen how Jesus subverts our expectations. He’s an unexpected King with unexpected compassion who, as we'll see this week in Luke 22, invites unexpected people to his table.

The Suffering Servant | Unexpected Compassion | April 3

Sermon by Brandon Clements on April 3, 2022.

This week we'll look at one of the most famous moments and teachings in Jesus' ministry, Luke 10: The Good Samaritan. This story is perhaps so well-known that its impact is sometimes lost. So, who is the hero of the story? Who are we to identify with? What does it mean for us to be a people who descend and serve like Jesus, our Suffering Servant?

The Suffering Servant | An Unexpected King | March 27

Sermon by Michael Bailey on March 27, 2022.

The upside-down Kingdom has an “upside-down” King. Jesus did not come with pomp or circumstance, military power, or might. He came with sacrificial, self-giving love. His love is our example, our motive, and our call.

Acts | Following The Work Of The Spirit | March 20

Sermon by Michael Bailey on March 20, 2022.

In Acts 8:26-40, we see Philip prompted by the Spirit to witness to the Ethiopian eunuch. This is coming shortly after the death of Stephen, the church is scattered and yet we see the Gospel continue to go forth, this time to Samaria, just like Jesus said it would in Acts 1:8.

Guided Prayer

Father, give me opportunities this week to speak up and love those you call me to love.

Jesus, thank you for calling me to be a witness for you and your Kingdom.

Spirit, give me eyes to see You at work in the people around me. Give me ears to be receptive to Your will moment-by-moment.


Acts | Condemned on Earth, Applauded in Heaven | March 13

Sermon by Brandon Clements on March 13, 2022.

At this point in the early church, we’ve seen some persecution and hostility, but the story of Stephen in Acts 6-7 marks the first martyr of the Jesus movement. So what can we learn from his sermon and his story?

Acts | The Danger Within | March 6

Sermon by Brandon Clements on March 6, 2022.

In Acts 4:34-5:15, we have two contrasting stories. For Barnabas, the gospel had loosened his grip on his stuff and tightened his grip on others. But in Chapter 5, we are introduced to a couple who are not filled with the Spirit like Barnabas but instead are filled with Satan.

Acts | The Spirit and the Flesh | February 27

Sermon by Brandon Clements on February 27, 2022.

Historians and scholars are fascinated by the fact that a small sect of Jewish men and women, without clout, power, prestige, education, money or influence somehow began a movement that has swept the globe. Here in Acts 4 we get insight into the sort of people the early Christians were.