Wait Till I Get My Money Right | It's All About the Benjamins | March 19

Sermon by Michael Bailey on March 19, 2023.

So far, in Luke 12, Jesus warns us to be on guard against greed and worry when it comes to possessions. That said, what is the purpose of our material resources? Why does God give us money and things? How do we be good stewards of what God has entrusted to us?


To assess your monthly spending, we have created a spreadsheet for you to enter all your expenses from the previous month. To access the spreadsheet, click the link below. Once you open the link, click ‘File’ and ‘Make a Copy’ in the top left corner of the spreadsheet.

Step 1: Enter your income

Your first step for using this spreadsheet will be to enter your income for the month in the very top left of the spreadsheet. Enter your total income for the month in the green cell. Only enter your total income. Not your total expenses. You will enter each individual expense in the next step, and it will be totaled automatically. If you have irregular income, your total income should be what you estimate your monthly income to be based on previous averages. It’s okay if it is more or less than what actually came in.

Step 2: Enter your expenses

Next, you will enter each expense you had for the month in the columns below. You will enter the date, who you paid, and the amount. You also need to select the type of expense that it was using the drop-down for each row. This will categorize all of your expenses in the pie chart to the right to help you see where your money went for the month.

If you did not spend all of your income and don’t allocate it to a savings account, add an expense line to categorize this as general savings. If you do allocate some of your money to a savings account, make sure to enter that as an expense even though you are not actually spending that money. That will help you see what percentage of your income you set aside for savings.

Step 3: Assess your spending

Once you have entered all your monthly spending and the total income and expense numbers match, look at the pie chart to the right. This chart shows you where your money went for the past month. Where is your money going most? Are you spending more than you make? How do these numbers line up with your financial goals that you set last week? Is there anything that needs to change? Are you spending more in certain areas than you would like to? Does your spending reveal how you look for satisfaction in temporary things rather than eternal things?

We encourage you to do this as an ongoing practice. The goal is to assess and reevaluate monthly. Next week for homework, you will take your financial goals from week two and the assessment from this week and work on creating or tweaking your budget as needed.

Wait Till I Get My Money Right | Mo' Money Mo' Problems | March 12

Sermon by Michael Bailey on March 12, 2023.

In Luke 12, Jesus is aware that money can be a trap for us. Even if we’re not overtly pursuing wealth and possessions, money can quickly become a source of worry and frustration. So how do we think about money biblically and leverage what we have for the kingdom of God?


Here are some goals for you to consider for your homework this week. You may have additional financial goals you want to set as well. If you are currently not practicing any or some of these goals, we encourage you to use them as a starting point.

Goal 1 - Start giving

Generosity is a step in trusting that God will provide for all you need as you seek to advance his kingdom first. Scripture calls us to start with generosity to God and then meet our basic needs. What our Midtown members commit to in our membership covenant is giving 10% of their income to Midtown as a baseline. If you are not currently tithing, start there as a first step in following Jesus with your finances. Then, give to other ministries and missionaries as you sense the Lord leading you. The goal is to start somewhere. Aim to increase your generosity from year to year.

Goal 2 - Save for an emergency fund

Financial emergencies happen to all of us. An initial great savings goal is to save $1,000 as a starter emergency fund. If you have $1,000 saved, the next goal would be to save three to six months of your basic living expenses. If you haven’t experienced an emergency yet, it will happen to you at some point. Your car might break down, and you have to replace it. You may have an unexpected hospital visit. You may lose your job or have a reduction in income. If emergencies are going to happen, you would be wise to save for them. Having money set aside for emergencies will help you avoid having to go into debt. 

Goal 3 - Make a budget

The next financial goal is to create and follow a budget. Proverbs 27:23 says, “Know well the condition of your flocks, and give attention to your herds.” The practical implications for you are to make a plan for your regular income, have a budget, and tell your money where to go. Know what’s coming in and know what’s going out. If you don’t, you will only wonder where it went. As managers of what is God’s, we want to tell money where to go rather than be mastered by it. In the coming week, we will have some homework time for you to put a budget in place if you don’t already have one or make tweaks as needed if you do.

Goal 4 - Make a plan to pay off all debt(s) you have (except your home mortgage)

If you currently have bad financial debt, a great goal would be to create a plan to get out of debt as quickly as possible. This plan should only be done after you have at least $1,000 for an emergency starter fund. Bad debt would be credit card debt or debt on an asset depreciating. A home mortgage would not fall in this category as you are investing in an asset generally appreciating in value. If you’re unsure about what is meant here, ask someone in your Lifegroup that you know and trust regarding personal finances for their insight and wisdom.

Goal 5 - Save for future expenses

If you have money saved for emergencies, a working budget you stick with, and living debt-free, you will need to consider other goals. Plan ways to save for upcoming expenses such as retirement, a car, a college fund for your kid, or a vacation. That way, instead of going into debt later, you can save now to pay for future expenses. 

Goal 6 - Build up the church

Some of you are great examples and models for our church family in stewardship and generosity. You are exemplary in what you do, which is part of your giftedness. Consider ways to invest your wisdom and giftedness into your LifeGroup. How might you be a resource to others in your group that are just beginning to learn how to manage their finances? In addition, are there areas you can trim down to be even more generous? Consider ways Jesus invites you to live with less to invest even more courageously towards seeing his kingdom advance.

Wait Till I Get My Money Right | Cash Rules Everything Around Me (C.R.E.A.M.) | March 5

Sermon by Michael Bailey on March 5, 2023.

The Bible, and Jesus in particular, have an awful lot to say about money and resources. One commentator says there are over 2,000 references to material wealth in Scripture. Jesus spoke more about money than he did about faith and prayer combined. In fact, Jesus goes so far as to say that our approach to money is a primary indicator of the health of our hearts.

So how do we think and live well with our money? How can we learn from Scripture to get our financial house in order and, in the process, help our hearts to flourish in the Kingdom of God?


Spend some time reflecting and journaling through the questions below. If you are married, then discuss these questions with your spouse.

  • What is your financial story? How does your family treat money?

  • Where have you experienced seasons of financial strength or hardship?

  • What is your overall perspective and attitude towards money (Do you want more of it? Does it make you scared or nervous? Do you stress out because of it? Etc.)? 

  • What purchases do you make to fill a perceived need in your life? Where are you tempted to overspend?

  • Read Luke 12:15-21. What do you think it looks like to be rich toward God? If someone looked at your bank account, would they naturally conclude that you are rich toward God? Why or why not? 

  • Read Luke 12:32-34. What does it mean to provide yourself with treasures in heaven? Where are you sacrificing potential treasures here on earth in order to send your treasure forward to heaven? How might you grow in generosity through this series?

  • Are there any beliefs, attitudes, or actions you currently have regarding money that you know are unhealthy or sinful? Where do you hope to see your life grow in light of this series?

  • This week, regularly ask God to remind you that your identity is found in him, with true security and significance

Upon This Rock | Forever and Ever, Amen | February 26

Sermon by Brandon Clements on February 26, 2023.

Scripture does not tell us how Peter’s life ended, but we are told in John 21 by Jesus the kind of death Peter would die. Somebody would stretch out his arms, and he would be crucified just like his Lord for preaching the gospel. In the end, Peter lived what he told us in 1 Peter 5. His last act was an act of humbling himself before the Lord. As he suffered and died, he cast his anxieties on the one he knew cared for him. He knew that crucifixion was the way Jesus conquered Satan, so he was okay with facing the same fate and even facing execution through a wooden cross. He knew he wasn’t the only one. Other friends, disciples, and, most importantly, his Lord had already walked that path. What a beautiful example for us to follow. What a solid foundation for us to build our lives.

Upon This Rock | Know You Are Not Alone | February 12

Sermon by Michael Bailey on February 12, 2023.

The second half of 1 Peter 5:9 reminds us we are not alone in our suffering. While the devil wants to isolate us in our pain, the good news is we belong to a vast family of Christians throughout the world who have faced the same struggles and more.

Upon This Rock | Resist Him, Firm in Your Faith | February 5

Sermon by Michael Bailey on February 5, 2023.

In 1 Peter 5:9, the call for us to resist Satan and stand firm means that, in Christ, we are not helpless against Satan, addiction, long-term sin patterns, or against anything. So what does that look like practically?

Upon This Rock | Cast All Your Anxieties on Him | January 22

Sermon by Brandon Clements on January 22, 2023.

The second command Peter tells us in 1 Peter 5:6-11 is to “cast your anxieties on Him.” The invitation here is to put all of our cares into perspective, to hand them off to someone capable of sustaining you, even when the cares feel overwhelming.

Upon This Rock | Humble Yourselves | January 15

Sermon by Brandon Clements on January 15, 2023.

Peter's first command in 1 Peter 5:6-11 is "humble yourselves." Humility is the posture of not seeking to sinfully elevate yourself over others. This passage says that if you go in the direction of humility, that's the path of blessing, flourishing, and wholeness.

Upon This Rock | January 8

Sermon by Brandon Clements on January 8, 2023.

Finding your way towards spiritual health in the chaos of modern life can prove quite difficult, and when you survey the landscape of mental health in our culture things don't get any rosier. It can feel like solid ground to stand on is hard to come by, so we are taking a season to study and meditate on five simple verses that offer a robust Christian worldview pulled from the life of Peter--a place to stand against the winds and lies around us--not only so we can stand, but so we can offer much needed hope and stability to those in our neighborhoods and workplaces.