Gathering Recap 9.11.2016

This week was the fifth week of the Exiles series. We spent our time looking at 1 Peter 2:7-12. Peter teaches us what it means to have our entire identity rooted in Jesus and God’s design for a people that are His own.


We started off my answering two questions:

1)    What is identity?

2)    How are our identities typically developed?

Identity, is a self-understanding or self-regard, it is a tool for determining our sense of being. Our identity is largely shaped through what culture teaches us. Everything around us is preaching to us: songs, movies, slogans, the news, advertising, and pop culture are always invisibly shaping us to be true about ourselves. And even more so, what our cultures values in relation to identity and self-image is always changing too! What was seen as modest and socially acceptable 50 years ago isn’t anywhere near what is seen as modest and socially acceptable now.

The truth is that we are not big enough to build our own identities on. We aren’t strong or secure or consistent enough as people to build something so fundamentally important as a sense of self-worth or self-image off of. We will fail at upholding it every single time.

What does God say about our identity?

Peter shows us 5 identity statements that God says about His people. These are firm foundations for us to build our identity on, given to us in Jesus. In Christ, God calls us:

1.     A Chosen Race

2.     A Royal Priesthood

3.     A Holy Nation

4.     A People for God’s Own Possession

5.     Recipients of Mercy

Christian--what all of this means is that now, whenever someone tells you that you need to go find out who you are--you get to look them in the eye and say “No I don’t. I’ve already been told who I am. I am part of God’s chosen race. I’m a member of an eternal royal priesthood under the God of the universe. I am one of God’s people--His crew--that will be with Him forever. I’m an undeserving recipient of His mercy. I know who I am.”

Songs from This Week

Come Thou Fount by King’s Kaleidoscope

We Sing as One by Young Oceans

All the Poor and Powerless by All Sons and Daughters

Father You are All We Need by Citizens and Saints