Gathering Recap 5.1.2016

Sermon: Ordinary Spirituality

This week we continued with Ordinary Is Not Insignificant. Michael Bailey led us through a sermon about Ordinary Spirituality from Galatians 6:7-10.  Here is a quick recap of this week’s Gathering:

One of the biggest struggles in the Christian life is that we fail to understand this; that the everyday stuff of our lives matters - not only for what is accomplished in God’s Kingdom, but also for what’s accomplished in us.
There are points in time in our faith where we ask the question, “How did I get here? How did I get to this place where I haven’t thought about God in weeks? How did I get to a spot where I’m questioning what I believe? How did I get to this spot where sin is owning my life again? How did I get in this spot where I’m just coasting - and my life isn’t really being used for the Kingdom. How did I get here?”

The ordinary rhythms of your life are significant.  What we do today will decide where we are in ten years.  It’s not that we intentionally do things that pull us away from Jesus, but rather we opt not to do things that pull us closer to him, because we have other things that we believe we need to do

How to tell if you’re drifting:

1. What do you prioritize?

We all prioritize things in our lives. We don’t neglect sowing for the Spirit on accident. We choose other things ahead of it.  What you make time for is what you value. What you create space for or schedule is what is important.

2. Are you content with “ordinary sins”?

One of the biggest distinguishers of drifting is when you start to feel like our sin is not a big deal. Ordinary sins are the sins that you just write off in your mind because they don’t feel like a big deal anymore. We know we are drifting when we start thinking that there are certain sins in our life that don’t really need to be confessed… when we come into LG thinking we don’t have anything to talk about.

We Need to reclaim our Ordinary

Far too many of us have just locked into life as usual, and desperately need our ordinary to be disturbed. The trajectory of the Christian life is to get more of God. To glorify him and enjoy him. To grow further into grace and into our identity as his children. But that doesn’t just happen. We need a new ordinary that helps us get there.

3 Rhythms for Ordinary Spirituality

1.     Time with God’s Word & Prayer

2.     Living in Community

3.     Taking a Sabbath