Gathering Recap: 4.3.2016

Sermon: Covering Our Shame

This week, our Two Notch pastor, Ant Frederick, led us through a sermon regarding shame from Genesis 2 & 3. Here’s a quick recap of this week’s Gathering:

Shame is the belief and feeling that we are not acceptable the way we truly are, it is the idea that if people really knew us they couldn’t love us.  Ant explained that in the beginning Adam and Eve were naked and not ashamed.  However, when Adam and Eve sinned shame became a part of human reality. Just like Adam and Eve covered their shame with fig leaves, we attempt to cover up our shame, too. In LifeGroup, shame leads us to partially confess instead of being fully honest to make things seem not as bad as they really are. Shame leads us to attempt to manage our appearance before others. We try to use things like success and accomplishment to hide our sense of inadequacy.  Shame was the reaction to the first sin and it is our reaction to all other sins.

3 things regarding shame exposed in Genesis 3 were:

  • God pursues those who feel shame. When Adam and Eve felt shame God went looking for them in the garden.
  • God agrees with us that we need to be covered. This idea that we are not good enough isn’t wrong. In our sin we need to be covered, we need a Savior.
  • God provided a better covering. When God found Adam and Eve he covered them.  He gave them something better then fig leaves, he gave them animal skins.  When we sin a sacrifice, like the animal skins, is required for us which is why God sent his son to die on a cross.  God laid our iniquities on Jesus, to cover our shame. 2 Corinthians 5:21 says “For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God”.

Here is the link:


Come Thou Fount by King’s Kaleidoscope
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Lead me to the Cross by Hillsong
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