Gathering Recap 10.23.2016


In our eleventh week studying through 1st Peter, Michael Bailey teaches us what Peter has to

say to the exiles about fighting against social comfort to choose to pursue being on mission

with one another for the sake of the gospel.


In this passage, Peter encourages the exiles to remember the mindset that Christ had in the

way that we choose hard things for the sake of others. It’s only because Jesus models choosing hard things for other people that we can do the same.


1.) What does your checking account say you’re living for?

2.) What is your primary question when making decisions about what to do with your life,

time, money, or possessions?


Our Priorities 

Jesus is very clear that if you want to know where your priorities lie, check where you’re

spending all of your money. He also teaches us to have a new outlook when making decisions

about our personal time and assets. In fact, if you’re living only for yourself, you are wasting your life. You only have one life to life, so make sure to spend it on what matters!


Our Mission Field 

There are so many mission fields around us boiling over with good opportunities to choose to

do the hard things for the sake of the gospel. If you arm yourself with the way of thinking that

Jesus had, you can’t lose! There are no circumstances that can stop the work that the gospel is

doing to change hearts and reconcile people back to the Father.

In light of all of this, we can we be free to make sure we don’t

-waste our lives

- waste our family

-waste our neighborhoods

-waste our money

-waste our job or retirement


These are all perfect places to choose to do the hard things for other people. Have the hard

conversation. Don’t hide in your office during lunch hour. Don’t stay inside all weekend

watching football. Invite people in to share your life and to share what the gospel is doing in

your families lives. Don’t waste your life on yourself; you’re meant for more than that!

Songs from this week:

All Glory Be Forever- Sovereign Grace Music

Praise the Lord Ye Heaven’s Adore Him- Young Oceans

We Sing As One- Young Oceans

By His Grace- The Dispatch